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Join the club and
unlock exclusive benefits!

Members-only Benefits

JR Club membership offers exclusive members-only benefits.

Enjoy access to exclusive discounts, priority customer service, and exclusive rewards and offers.

With our VIP Membership, you'll get the best of what we have to offer.



25% discount

on all rooms and villas

25% discount

on food & beverages

20% discount

on tour & excursions

VIP welcome amenities upon arrival

Free late check-out until 16:00 hrs

Complimentary Room Upgrade

Free Entrance to Jawharat Resorts

Playground Access & Cycles on-site

Discounted Tickets at Tamkeen for Skills

JR CLUB Membership
OMR 150.00 / $ 400.00

Unlimited Desert Luxury

Valid for 1 year

Unlock benefits and more 


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